R with reproducible environments using renv package

The renv package helps you to create reproducible environments for your R projects. The renv.lock lockfile records the state of your project’s private library, and can be used to restore the state of that library as required. geniac can use a renv.lock lockfile to install all the package dependencies needed by your R environment. However, this is a use case which requires some manual configuration as explained below. geniac allows you to add as many tools as you wish using renv. In this section, we provide an example using a tool with the label renvGlad.


For any tool using renv, its label must have the prefix renv!

Create a conda recipe

Create the conda recipes in the folder recipes/conda which defines which R version you want to use, for example create recipes/conda/renvGlad.yml as follows:

name: renvGlad
    - conda-forge
    - bioconda
    - defaults
    - r-base=4.1.3=h06d3f91_1

Add the label in geniac.config

In the section params.geniac.tools of the file conf/geniac.config, add the label with the three scopes yml, env and bioc, for example:

renvGlad {
  yml = "${projectDir}/recipes/conda/renvGlad.yml"
  env = "${params.condaCacheDir}/custom_renvGlad"
  bioc = "3.17"
  • renvGlad.yml provides the path to the conda recipe. It should be located in "${projectDir}/recipes/conda".

  • renvGlad.env defines the name of the environment in the conda cache dir.

  • renvGlad.bioc sets the Bioconductor version which is possibly required to install the R packages.

Create a process to init the renv

This process allows the usage of the R software with the multiconda and conda profiles. During this process, the dependencies provided in the renv.lock will be installed.

In your main.nf, add the following process:

process renvGladInit {
  label 'onlyLinux'
  label 'minCpu'
  label 'minMem'

  val(true) into renvGladInitDoneCh

    def renvName = 'renvGlad' // This is the only variable which needs to be modified
    def renvYml = params.geniac.tools.get(renvName).get('yml')
    def renvEnv = params.geniac.tools.get(renvName).get('env')
    def renvBioc = params.geniac.tools.get(renvName).get('bioc')
    def renvLockfile = projectDir.toString() + '/recipes/dependencies/' + renvName + '/renv.lock'

    // The code below is generic, normally, no modification is required
    if (workflow.profile.contains('multiconda') || workflow.profile.contains('conda')) {
        if conda env list | grep -wq ${renvEnv} || [ -d "${params.condaCacheDir}" -a -d "${renvEnv}" ] ; then
            echo "prefix already exists, skipping environment creation"
            CONDA_PKGS_DIRS=. conda env create --prefix ${renvEnv} --file ${renvYml}

        set +u
        conda_base=\$(dirname \$(which conda))
        if [ -f \$conda_ conda/../../etc/profile.d/conda.sh ]; then

        echo \$conda_script
        source \$conda_script
        conda activate ${renvEnv}
        set -u

        export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\$(dirname \$(which conda))/../lib/pkgconfig
        export PKG_LIBS="-liconv"

        R -q -e "options(repos = \\"https://cloud.r-project.org\\") ; install.packages(\\"renv\\") ; options(renv.consent = TRUE, renv.config.install.staged=FALSE, renv.settings.use.cache=TRUE) ; install.packages(\\"BiocManager\\"); BiocManager::install(version=\\"${renvBioc}\\", ask=FALSE) ; renv::restore(lockfile = \\"${renvLockfile}\\")"
    } else {
        echo "profiles: ${workflow.profile} ; skip renv step"

renvGladInitDoneCh.set{ renvGladDoneCh}


The name of the process must start by the label of the tool followed by the Init suffix, for example renvGladInit.

This process must use the label onlyLinux (see Standard UNIX command).

In the output section, define a channel with the name of the label followed by the InitDoneCh suffixe, for example val(true) into renvGladInitDoneCh.

After the process, define a channel to indicate that the renv has been initiated. The channel must start by the name of the label followd by the DoneCh suffixe, for example renvGladInitDoneCh.set{ renvGladDoneCh}

In this process, set the content of the variable renvName to the label of the tool, for axample renvGlad.

Copy you renv.lock file is a sublder inside recipes/dependencies/

We assume that the reader is familiar with renv. In the folder recipes/dependencies/, create a subfolder with the name of the label of the tool, for example recipes/dependencies/renvGald. Then, copy your renv.lock file in this subfolder . Here is an example of a renv.lock file:

  "R": {
    "Version": "4.3.1",
    "Repositories": [
        "Name": "CRAN",
        "URL": "https://cloud.r-project.org"
  "Bioconductor": {
    "Version": "3.17"
  "Packages": {
    "BiocManager": {
      "Package": "BiocManager",
      "Version": "1.30.22",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Repository": "CRAN",
      "Requirements": [
      "Hash": "d57e43105a1aa9cb54fdb4629725acb1"
    "BiocVersion": {
      "Package": "BiocVersion",
      "Version": "3.17.1",
      "Source": "Bioconductor",
      "Requirements": [
      "Hash": "f7c0d5521799b7b0d0a211143ed0bfcb"
    "GLAD": {
      "Package": "GLAD",
      "Version": "2.64.0",
      "Source": "Bioconductor",
      "Requirements": [
      "Hash": "efd50c9f23e052f086c8a22fc92c07c8"
    "aws": {
      "Package": "aws",
      "Version": "2.5-3",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Repository": "CRAN",
      "Requirements": [
      "Hash": "0832bb1e53afaba3a37732c1a5760deb"
    "awsMethods": {
      "Package": "awsMethods",
      "Version": "1.1-1",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Repository": "CRAN",
      "Requirements": [
      "Hash": "2dfceb7e0b4e9979cc392acb569c6c0d"
    "gsl": {
      "Package": "gsl",
      "Version": "2.1-8",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Repository": "CRAN",
      "Requirements": [
      "Hash": "8f8205cbb9f1066a94e22898fe949184"
    "renv": {
      "Package": "renv",
      "Version": "1.0.1",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Repository": "CRAN",
      "Requirements": [
      "Hash": "6523639dd021b32c3199a41cbe6db340"

Add a process which uses the renv

Write you process using the label with the renv tool and always define in the input section of the process the channel that has been previously set, for example val(done) from renvGladDoneCh

process glad {
  label 'renvGlad'
  label 'minCpu'
  label 'minMem'
  publishDir "${params.outDir}/GLAD", mode: 'copy'

  val(done) from renvGladDoneCh

  file "BkpInfo.tsv"

  Rscript ${projectDir}/bin/apGlad.R